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2021 ICC CBO Management Module Practice Exam

Building Code Masters' 2021 CBO Management Module Practice Exam for the ICC Certified Building Official certification stands as an invaluable resource for aspiring professionals seeking to excel in the field of building plan review.

Designed with in-depth knowledge of the International Building Code (IBC) and other required texts, this practice exam offers a comprehensive practice test for candidates to hone their skills and knowledge. It meticulously covers essential topics, ranging from customer service and communication, financial management, personnel management, and records management.

The exam is designed to simulate real-world scenarios, providing candidates with a practical understanding of the complexities they might encounter in their roles as a building official.

With a focus on clarity and relevance, Building Code Masters' 2021 Practice Exam equips candidates with the confidence and expertise needed to successfully navigate the challenges of the ICC certification.

2021 ICC CBO Management Module Outline

The outline provided is directly from the specification of the coverage areas that are on the real certification exam from the ICC. All of the information about ICC certifications can be viewed through the ICC exam catalog.

Customer Service and Communication (30%)

  • Soft Skills (7%)

    • Demonstrate skills including decision making, problem-solving, professionalism, integrity, honesty, and time management.

  • Communication (5%)

    • Communicate building and fire and life safety messages to the public using the appropriate media.

  • Interagency Cooperation and Reporting (6%)

    • Establish and administer policy procedures for communication and cooperation with other governmental agencies.

    • Provide local governing authorities with departmental performance reports.

  • Public Service and Information (5%)

    • Establish and administer departmental policy for enhancing services, education, and information to the public, construction industry, and media.

  • Feedback Strategy (7%)

    • Create a strategy for acquiring and evaluating feedback from the community to improve public service.

Financial Management (22%)

  • Budgets and Financing (11%)

    • Develop and administer departmental budgets and financing responsibilities consistent with implementation of directives of the governing authorities.

  • Cost and Revenue Control (11%)

    • Implement financial audits to ensure ongoing compliance with budgetary restrictions.

    • Verify revenue generation and expenditures are consistent with budget projections and policies.

Personnel Management (30%)

  • Job Descriptions and Personnel Recruitment (7%)

    • Establish and administer written job descriptions for all department employees.

    • Define minimum qualifications for applicants and standard recruiting procedures.

  • Personnel Supervision (8%)

    • Establish and administer responsibilities for direct and indirect supervision for each department employee, including work scheduling and effective job performance evaluations.

    • Establish and administer personnel incentives to recognize exceptional individual and group performance and attainment of departmental goals and objectives.

  • Time-management Efficiency (7%)

    • Establish and administer policies and goals for department personnel in time management and workflow efficiency.

  • Employee Professional Development (8%)

    • Establish and administer criteria for the assessment of employee professional development and training programs on technical skills, department policy, goals, objectives, and performance requirements of the position.

Records Management (18%)

  • Employment Records (9%)

    • Manage procedures for the generation and maintenance of all necessary employment records for all department employees.

    • Manage policies for employee and public access to departmental personnel records, specifying which records are public information and which records are not public information.

  • Code Enforcement Records (9%)

    • Manage procedures for the generation and maintenance of inspection, plan review, fire investigation reports, and records.

How To Study For CBO Management Module Exam

Knowing how to tackle answering questions from all of the required sections is a daunting task. Practicing answering building code questions is essential for someone about to take an exam.

In the office, a building official should be able to navigate customer service and communication, financial management, personnel management, and records management. During an exam, test takers must be able to navigate the International Building Code and other required books fast enough to answer all of the questions within the allowed time of 120 minutes (2 Hours).

Certified Building Official Practice Test Study Recommendation

Building Code Masters recommends that test takers be able to do the following before taking a certification test:

  1. Have the table of contents and index tabbed for easy access.

  2. Be able to look up 75 practice test questions in under 1.5 hours.

  3. Know the location of and mark all important tables.

This basic three step formula has proven successful for several examinees and speed is key just as it is in the field. Building Code Masters has several practice exams for code enforcement professionals to test their skills and learn the most essential questions and scenarios they will be presented with.

How to Take the 2021 Certified Building Official Management Module Exam

The final step in completing your certification is scheduling and taking the examination. All exams can be schedule from the exam catalog or ICC account. Either log in to your account and follow the credentials tab OR go directly to the exam catalog and schedule from there.

From myICC account:

myICC exam catalog schedule

From Exam catalog:

Exam catalog schedule


Good luck to all the examinees! May your hard work and dedication be reflected in your exam results. Trust in your preparation, stay confident, and give it your best effort. Wishing you success and a bright future in your endeavors!


Practice Exams

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