Building Code Masters has developed over 40 practice exams for the most common ICC certification examinations available from the International Code Council. Building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, specialized practice exams and thousands of practice questions are just a few clicks away.
Build your understanding of building codes from key questions in our practice exams that will ensure your mastery of the material covered on exams. All practice exams are comprehensive and have a larger number of questions than the actual exam will contain.
Building Code Practice Exams
Building code certifications are some of the most common ICC certifications in the building safety industry. Building inspectors, plans examiners, and building officials typically hold several building code certifications for the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC).
The two most common certifications for inspectors are the Residential Building Inspector (B1) and Commercial Building Inspector (B2) certifications. Both of these exams cover the IRC and IBC respectively. For plans examiners, the Residential Plans Examiner (R3) and Building Plans Examiner (B3) certifications are the most common.
Sample IRC Questions
1. Thermoplastic single-ply roofs shall be installed in accordance with?
a. ASTM C1029
b. ASTM D312
c. ASTM D3909
d. Manufacturer’s installation Instructions
2. End joints in top plates shall be off set at least how many inches?
a. 24 in
b. 25 in
c. 26 in
d. 30 in
3. Weep holes in masonry veneer shall not be less than what diameter?
a. 3/16 in
b. 5/16 in
c. 5/8 in
d. 3/8 in
Sample IBC Questions
1. In order to qualify for an area factor increase based on frontage, a building must have not less than what percentage of its perimeter on a public way?
a. 100 percent
b. 200 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 75 percent
2. Shotcrete shall be in accordance with what standard?
a. ACI 318
b. ACI 550
c. ACI 420
d. ACI 679
3. What class of standpipe shall be provided in a building in which the highest floor level is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access?
a. Class II
b. Class IV
c. Class X
d. Class III
Mechanical Code Practice Exams
Mechanical code certifications are some of the most common ICC certifications in the building safety industry. Mechanical inspectors, mechanical plans examiners, and building officials typically hold several mechanical code certifications covering the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Mechanical Code (IMC).
The two most common certifications for mechanical inspectors are the Residential Mechanical Inspector (M1) and Commercial Mechanical Inspector (M2) certifications. Both of these exams cover the IRC and IMC respectively. For plans examiners, the Mechanical Plans Examiner (M3) certification is the most common national certification.
Sample IRC Mechanical Questions
1. A chimney connector shall not be smaller than the ______ of the appliance?
a. Collar Band
b. Flue Termination
c. Flue Collar
d. Termination point
2. For mechanical systems, a level working space at least how many inches deep and how many inches wide shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance?
a. 30 in by 28 in
b. 28 in by 30 in
c. 32 in by 36 in
d. 30 in by 30 in
3. Type B and BW vents shall be tested in accordance with what standard?
a. UL 435
b. UL 441
c. UL 440
d. UL 400
Sample IMC Questions
1. A listed device installed in ducts and air transfer openings designed to close automatically upon detection of heat and to restrict the passage of flame.
a. Automatic Damper
b. Fire Damper
c. Smoke Damper
d. Mechanical Damper
2. A manually or automatically controlled device to regulate draft or the rate of flow of air or combustion gases.
a. Plenum
b. Transfer fitting
c. Exhaust duct
d. Damper
3. A continuous passageway for the transmission of air that, in addition to ducts, includes duct fittings, dampers, plenums, fans and accessory air-handling equipment and appliances.
a. Plenum
b. Smoke detection system
c. Plenum system
d. Duct System
Electrical Code Practice Exams
Electrical code certifications are some of the most common ICC certifications in the building safety industry. Electrical inspectors, electrical plans examiners, and building officials typically hold several electrical code certifications covering the International Residential Code (IRC) and National Electric Code (NEC).
The two most common certifications for electrical inspectors are the Residential Electrical Inspector (E1) and Commercial Electrical Inspector (E2) certifications. Both of these exams cover the IRC and NEC respectively. For plans examiners, the Electrical Plans Examiner (E3) certification is the most common national certification.
Sample IRC Electrical Questions
1. Cords that supply swimming pool equipment shall have a copper equipment grounding conductor not smaller than what AWG?
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 18
2. Where raceways are installed in wet locations above grade, the interior of such raceways shall be considered to be a ______ location.
a. Hazardous
b. Wet
c. Damp
d. Sealed
3. Receptacles shall be installed so that no point along the floor line in any wall space is more than how many feet, measured horizontally, from an outlet in that space?
a. 5 ft
b. 6 ft
c. 3 ft
d. 2 ft
Sample NEC Questions
1. Service entrance cables shall be supported by straps within how much of every service head?
a. 10 in
b. 8 in
c. 15 in
d. 12 in
2. For 18 AWG copper wire what is one acceptable fuse for protection?
a. Class FS
b. Class CA
c. Class CC
d. Class CM
3. Fixture wire shall be permitted to be tapped into a 50 amp branch circuit conductor if the AWG of the fixture wire is how much?
a. 12 AWG or larger
b. 10 AWG or larger
c. 8 AWG or larger
d. 6 AWG or larger
Plumbing Code Practice Exams
Plumbing code certifications are some of the most common ICC certifications in the building safety industry. Plumbing inspectors, plumbing plans examiners, and building officials typically hold several plumbing code certifications covering the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Plumbing Code (IPC).
The two most common certifications for plumbing inspectors are the Residential Plumbing Inspector (P1) and Commercial Plumbing Inspector (P2) certifications. Both of these exams cover the IRC and IPC respectively. For plans examiners, the Plumbing Plans Examiner (P3) certification is the most common national certification.
Sample IRC Plumbing Questions
1. Common trapped fixture outlets shall not be more than how many inches apart?
a. 32 in
b. 30 in
c. 34 in
d. 36 in
2. Water distribution service pipe shall be of what minimum size?
a. 5/16 in
b. 3/4 in
c. 3/8 in
d. 1/2 in
3. Water service pipe shall conform to what standard?
a. NSF 69
b. NSF 54
c. NSF 22
d. NSF 61
Sample IPC Questions
1. The maximum horizontal spacing to support copper or copper-alloy pipe is _____ feet.
a. 6 ft
b. 12 ft
c. 10 ft
d. 4 ft
2. For pipe sizes greater than _____ inches, restraints shall be provided for drain pipes at all changes in direction and at all changes in diameter greater than two pipe sizes.
a. 8 in
b. 6 in
c. 5 in
d. 4 in
3. Urinal partitions shall begin not more than 12 inches from and extend not less than _____ inches above the finished floor surface.
a. 60 in
b. 40 in
c. 50 in
d. 80 in